Wednesday, January 28, 2009

muscle gainThree Phrases That Will Help You Lose Weight and Keep it Off Permanently

Here are three things to remember when you are trying to lose weight:

1. You are what you eat.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. Everything in moderation.

1. You are what you eat.

You are what you eat means just that. If you eat foods full of artificial sugar or Aspartame which equal fat then you will become fat. If you eat animal products that contain growth hormones then your waistline will grow. If you eat raw organic fruits and vegetables full of life energy then you will have energy!

Our food supply is full of toxins, pesticides and growth hormones. It is our everyday meals and restaurant food. This unnatural food contributes to obesity, stress, exhaustion and eventually disease.

The solution is to eat organic. Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Organic meat is produced without giving the animal antibiotics or growth hormones. By eating organic you are not only supporting your own healthy, lean body, but you are also supporting local farmers and your local economy.

Think about everything you put in your mouth and ask yourself if what's on your plate is what you want to be. Because what's on your plate is a direct reflection of what you are. Do you want to be fat, lazy and aged? Or do you want to be thin, beautiful, and youthful?

2. An apple a day...

Yes, an apple a day truly does keep the doctor away. Apples promote weight loss, strengthen your immune system, aid in preventing cancer, lower cholesterol, prevent tooth decay, improve liver and lung function, are low in calories and taste great. So eat an apple everyday. Bored? Hungry? Tired? Eat an apple!

The point of this one is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. You can eat fruits and vegetables all day long and not get fat. And I've never heard of anyone ever dying from overdosing on fruits so please eat them freely and frequently.

3. Everything in moderation.

MSG and all the other additives in your food not only cause obesity, but will eventually make you ill. But I know it is impossible to give up everything without completely changing our lifestyles so just remember to do everything in moderation- not in excess.

If you lead a healthy life, then you will have a beautiful, healthy body and splurging once in a while won't kill you. Hey it may even be good for you! But what will kill you is living off of processed foods, diet soda, meat, cheese, dairy, and sugar every day of your life. Give those things up and you will be a healthier, skinnier person in no time! Be proud of yourself. Love yourself and your new body.

Melody Biggar is co-author of "Natural Sexy Skinny: An Organic, All-Natural Weight-Loss System." To learn more weight-loss secrets and get your free weight-loss e-course visit

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gain muscle quick: fast muscle gain

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